[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]What is a window well?
A window well is a U-shaped , ribbed metal or plastic product available in hardware stores which is designed to fit around basement windows. Window wells can be any depth, depending on the basement's...
What is a window well?
A window well is a U-shaped , ribbed metal or plastic product available in hardware stores which is designed to fit around basement windows. Window wells can be any depth, depending on the basement's window, and they can also come in...
What are Weeping Tiles?
Weeping tiles are 4-inch pipes used to discharge water from underground and redirect water away from the client's home.
How do they work?
How weeping tiles work is that the pipes are placed with holes side up into a trench around the exterior perimeter...
What is a Sump Pump?
A sump pump is a method that reduces the risk of water damage in your home. It halts leakage in the underground part as it is installed in most cases the basement of the home. Sump Pump are usually 2 feet...
What is waterproofing?
Waterproofing is treating a surface to protect it from the damages water could bring, be it a leak or cracks in the foundation. The process helps make sure certain objects are protected against flooding and become water-resistant to leaks.
What are the different types...
Posted at 12:05h
Moisture (humidity) in basements is a very common problem but it is not always treated in the right manner. Basements that are used as living or bedroom spaces, moisture problems can not only become annoying but pose a serious threat to one’s health. That’s why...